Wednesday, August 17, 2011


In fourteen days time I will be walking out of the office for the last time. An end of an era. 13 years 2 months. Wow! It feels incredibly surreal.

In nineteen days time I will be dragging my backpack to the airport, for a two month holiday in New Zealand. Again, surreal.

I would be lying if I said I'm not overwhelmed. I am. It was all good and well making this decision in January, but the time has arrived and it has left me feeling a tad uncertain and even a little sad.

But ... as I pack up the files in my home office, I am thrilled at all the extra space ... for activities. And as I put out the items I need to take with me on my trip, I am thrilled that the time has finally come for my adventure.

Endings and new beginnings. They do go hand in hand.


  1. They do indeed!

    Onwards and upwards, Ann. Onwards and upwards =)


  2. Can't believe the time is already here... But you know what, good things come to those who wait! So enjoy your trip! Take time for you!

    Look forward to reading all about it...

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing travel diary entries here *nudge nudge, wink wink*
