Wednesday, August 17, 2011


In fourteen days time I will be walking out of the office for the last time. An end of an era. 13 years 2 months. Wow! It feels incredibly surreal.

In nineteen days time I will be dragging my backpack to the airport, for a two month holiday in New Zealand. Again, surreal.

I would be lying if I said I'm not overwhelmed. I am. It was all good and well making this decision in January, but the time has arrived and it has left me feeling a tad uncertain and even a little sad.

But ... as I pack up the files in my home office, I am thrilled at all the extra space ... for activities. And as I put out the items I need to take with me on my trip, I am thrilled that the time has finally come for my adventure.

Endings and new beginnings. They do go hand in hand.